Videos of the 27th Annual Antitrust Symposium are now available! Watch them here!
A GAI-LEC Webinar Considers Apple Antitrust Case
On June 4, 2024, the GAI and the Law & Economics Center hosted a live webinar to examine the recent Department of Justice (DOJ) complaint against Apple, which alleges that Apple designed and structured its iPhone platform in a manner that violates Section 2 of the Sherman Act. A panel of experts discussed the scope of a platform’s duty to deal, the relevance of privacy considerations in antitrust matters, and the applicability of the seminal Microsoft case in determining the likely outcome.
The GAI and Concurrences Brazilian Antitrust Dinner
The GAI, in partnership with Concurrences, held the Brazilian Antitrust Dinner in Sauípe, Brazil, on May 14, for some of the 2024 International Competition Network (ICN) Annual Conference participants and attendees, as well as other agency officials, academics, and non-governmental advisors (NGAs) from around the world, with more than 15 heads of competition enforcers in attendance.
The Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) President Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo was the keynote speaker and CADE’s Commissioner Gustavo Augusto Freitas de Lima also spoke at the program. Thanks to all the speakers and program participants!
George Mason Law Review 27th Annual Antitrust Symposium

The 27th Annual Antitrust Symposium was held on February 23, at the Antonin Scalia Law School in Arlington, Virginia.
This acclaimed annual conference explored the issues that dominate antitrust enforcement in the United States and internationally. Our expert panelists, including economists, lawyers, practitioners, and scholars, explored and debated topics such as the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission’s Merger Guidelines, enforcement of the Digital Markets Act, and litigation surrounding big tech.
Panel videos coming soon!

The Law & Economics Center, the Global Antitrust Institute, and George Mason Law Review welcomed The Honorable Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, to the 27th Annual Antitrust Symposium for an insightful conversation on antitrust with The Honorable Douglas H. Ginsburg, Circuit Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
Winners Announced in Annual Invitational Moot Court Competition

Students from more than a dozen law schools competed at the Tenth Annual Invitational Moot Court Competition, hosted by the Antonin Scalia Law School Moot Court Board in conjunction with the Law & Economics Center, the Global Antitrust Institute, and Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The students participated in four rounds of arguments on February 23 at the Scalia Law School Arlington Campus, with four teams emerging as the semifinalists who then competed at the E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse the following day. They worked on a hypothetical case surrounding a challenge to a vertical merger and a potential tying issue in the medical devices market.
Congratulations to the following winners:
Invitational Winner– George Washington University Law School students: Ryan “Alan” Darby and Nick Pung
Invitational Runner-Up– Washington and Lee University School of Law students Jack Kellerman and Jack Perryman
Click here for the full list of winners.
November International Antitrust Conference Held in Poland

Professor John M. Yun, the GAI’s executive director, joined distinguished academics and practitioners in a discussion on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA) at an international conference, “Antitrust in the Digital Age,” held on site in Warsaw, Poland, on November 24.
The DMA and DSA regulate the provision of digital services in the internal market, alter the traditional enforcement of antitrust rules, and protect the rights of internet users. Professor Yun and the other experts addressed the impact of these developments on global competition law, fair competition across platforms, and market power abuse prevention in the digital space.
Universidad Americana Law School Invites GAI Guest Lecturer

Dario Oliveira Neto, the Director of the Global Antitrust Institute’s Latin America Competition Advocacy Program, recently guest lectured at the Law School of Universidad Americana for its business law class of more than 40 students. His lecture covered the “Introduction of the US Antitrust Law and the EU Competition Law.”
Videos of the 26th Annual Antitrust Symposium are now available! Watch them here!
The GAI and CONACOM Deliver Instructional Workshop in Paraguay
On Friday, April 14, the GAI and National Competition Commission of Paraguay (CONACOM) conducted an educational workshop on competition issues for CONACOM officials and APEDEC (Paraguayan Association of Studies on the Defense of Competition) members. Instructors included Scalia Law Professor and GAI Executive Director John Yun and Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo, President of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE).
The full-day workshop took place in Asunción, Paraguay, and covered a range of topics including horizontal and vertical mergers and bid-rigging in public procurement. The event concluded with a roundtable discussion on the current state of antitrust law in Latin America and the US.
The GAI Spring Conversation Series Yields Insightful Discussions

As the cherry blossoms reached full bloom in Washington, DC, on March 30, lawyers, economists, and academics gathered to attend the GAI’s Annual Spring Conversation Series at the Conrad Hotel.
The Global Antitrust Institute welcomed Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo (pictured left above), president of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE)—Brazil’s national competition regulator—who spoke with Abbott (Tad) Lipsky Jr., adjunct professor of law and director of the GAI’s Competition Advocacy Program at Antonin Scalia Law School. They discussed the unique and common challenges of enforcing antitrust in Brazil as well competition law worldwide.
The GAI also welcomed former FTC Commissioner Noah Joshua Phillips (pictured right above) at the event. Now a partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, Noah Phillips spoke with Senior Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg about a range of antitrust topics, including consumer protection, privacy issues, and the FTC’s current regulatory efforts.
The George Mason Law Review 26th Annual Antitrust Symposium

The George Mason Law Review 26th Annual Antitrust Symposium took place on Friday, February 24, 2023. This all-day event featured a luncheon conversation with FTC Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter, plus four panel discussions on key antitrust topics with academic leaders, practitioners, economic scholars, lawyers, judges, enforcers, agency heads, and other experts. It was held in person in the Van Metre Auditorium at Antonin Scalia Law School. Videos of the panels and luncheon conversation will be available soon!
Global Antitrust Institute Invitational Moot Court Competition

Congratulations to Howard University School of Law students Alexis Nail and Leah Herring (pictured above 2nd and 3rd from right) for winning the Ninth Annual Global Antitrust Institute (GAI) Invitational Moot Court Competition on February 26, 2023! Hosted by the Antonin Scalia Law School Moot Court Board with the Global Antitrust Institute and Senior Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg, the GAI Invitational is the only moot court competition in the United States devoted exclusively to antitrust law.
New York University School of Law students Sasha Kliger and Sophia Cianfrani (pictured 2nd and 3rd from the left above), were awarded Runners-up in the competition. See all the winners!
GAI Scholars Nominated for Concurrences 2023 Antitrust Writing Awards
Concurrences nominated five papers written by individual members of the Global Antitrust team for the Antitrust Writing Awards in the Academic Articles competition.
Mauá Merit Medal Recipient

The GAI congratulates Dario Oliveira Neto, GAI’s director of Latin America Competition Advocacy Program, on receiving Brazil’s Mauá Merit Medal (Medalha de Mérito Mauá). The Brazilian Ministry of Infrastructure recognized Dario with this prestigious award in the Mauá Cross (Cruz Mauá) category for his work with the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), where he served as the head of the technical advisory unit to the president’s office.
“I feel deeply honored to be awarded a merit medal in the name of Barão e Visconde de Mauá, a brilliant Brazilian of the 19th century known for his initiatives and developments in the private sector, principally, in the markets related to infrastructure,” Dario remarked. “Barão de Mauá was a great entrepreneur who helped to develop the Brazilian economy and to enhance competition in the markets.”
Distinguished Scholar of Competition Law
The Global Antitrust Institute welcomes Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo to the appointment of Distinguished Scholar of Competition Law.

Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo is the President of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE). CADE is a branch of the Brazilian government that is responsible for investigating and resolving competition issues, as well as fostering and promoting the culture of competition in Brazil. Prior to becoming the head of CADE in July 2021, President Cordeiro served as the Superintendent General of CADE for four years, and also as a Commissioner at CADE.
The Administration of Antitrust: The FTC and the Rule of Law Conference
Recently, the C. Boyden Gray Center and the Global Antitrust Institute (GAI) co-hosted a full-day conference in Washington, DC, to discuss the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Constitution, and the future of antitrust policy.
View the keynote address by Professor William E. Kovacic, professor of law and director of the Competition Law Center at the George Washington University Law School below, and watch the all the panel discussions with former agency officials, leading litigators, and top scholars in the fields of antitrust and constitutional law on our YouTube channel.
The Global Antitrust Institute Report on the Digital Economy
The Global Antitrust Institute is proud to announce that our Report on the Digital Economy is now available to read here:
For past GAI highlights, visit In the Spotlight Archives.